Sunday, January 3, 2010

Final Words on Web 2.0

I have enjoyed learning about the different applications out there, but will probably only use a limited few in my classroom due to time and equipment constraints. Also, most of the apps are not really appropriate in an elementary classroom, but I did share some of the good ones with teachers in my school at our afterschool technology class.

Week 8, Thing 20

Created a Ning account and it was just like all the other social sites, so just stayed on for a few to check it out. I am not into the social network sites--don't have time for it. Played around with several of the previous applications and created a glog for behavior incentive program in my classroom.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week 8, Thing 19

Played around a little with GoogleEarth, but couldn't download to my laptop due to adminstrator restrictions. Was able to locate a few places using the location piece which was interesting. Would like to explore it further as a tool to use in the classroom.

Week 8, Thing 18

Joined Slidshare and uploaded a powerpoint my teammate made for teaching the steps for dividing decimals. I chose to only share it privately because I am still new at this and learning how to use it myself. Maybe later I can share with the public.

Week 7, Thing 17

Checked out some of the podcasts from Learn Out Loud and found some on Aesop's Fables that were interesting. I thought they could be used to help with reading fluency. Provide students with a copy of the fable and they could follow along reading aloud with the podcast and then on their own.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 7, Thing 16

YouTube: I have used it in the past mostly for entertainment, but found a few clips to use in the classroom. I found a few to help students learn about fractions in math, and I will be showing them next week in class.

Week 6, Thing 15

I have used Movie Maker with my students in the past. They have researched about the Revolutionary War and written a paper on their chosen topic from that period. After they have finished their papers, they create movies using Movie Maker to explain what life might be like if their topic had not happened or had happened differently. It is fun to watch them make connections to today's world in relationship to the past.